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News: Check out our newer demo at Paper To HTML.

Welcome to SciA11y!

This is an experimental prototype created by Semantic Scholar. It provides access to 1.5M open access scientific documents in accessible HTML format. Our system uses machine learning techniques to extract the semantic content of scientific papers and formats it in HTML for easier reading. Because of our reliance on statistical machine learning techniques, some errors are inevitable. We will continue to improve upon our models and would love to hear your feedback in the meantime. The papers included in this demo come from a static dataset; all papers have CC (non-ND) licenses and were published in or before April 2020. More about this prototype...

You can also upload your own PDF, which we process and render in HTML for reading. You can try this functionality here.

Example papers

Life cycle assessment of construction and renovation of sewer systems using a detailed inventory tool
2016 Serni Morera, Christian Remy, Joaquim Comas et al.

Risk Factors and Preventions of Breast Cancer
2017 Yi-Sheng Sun, Zhao Zhao, Zhang-Nv Yang et al.

Multi-domain Neural Network Language Generation for Spoken Dialogue Systems
2016 Tsung-Hsien Wen, Milica Gasic, Nikola Mrksic et al.

The global burden of congenital heart disease
2013 Julien IE Hoffman

Contribution of Chronic Disease to the Burden of Disability
2011 Bart Klijs, Wilma J. Nusselder, Caspar W. Looman et al.

Biomedical ontology alignment: an approach based on representation learning
2018 Prodromos Kolyvakis, Alexandros Kalousis, Barry Smith et al.

Mendelian randomization of blood lipids for coronary heart disease
2014 Michael V. Holmes, Folkert W. Asselbergs, Tom M. Palmer et al. A versatile crowdsourcing data acquisition platform for the behavioral sciences
2016 Leib Litman, Jonathan Robinson, Tzvi Abberbock

Application of acidic accelerator for production of pure hydrogen from NaBH4
2014 Wameath S. Abdul-Majeed, Muhammad T. Arslan, William B. Zimmerman

Vaccine Adjuvants: from 1920 to 2015 and Beyond
2015 Alberta Pasquale, Scott Preiss, Fernanda Silva et al.


To find out more about how we created this prototype, please read our preprint. Accessible PDF available here.



Please address questions or feedback to Lucy Lu Wang or Jonathan Bragg.